Ok, I knew I had been out of pocket for a while, but I didn't realize it had been almost a MONTH!!! SO sorry about that! We had a lot happen since the last post...a girls' (and boy) trip, 4th of July festivities, and today was a ballet camp performance!
I'll start with the very spontaneous 4 girls and a boy trip.... My girlfriend,Leigh, and I had said that when both of our husbands went out of town for work at the same time, we'd like to take the kids and run off somewhere fun together. Well, I got a phone call one Monday and the voice at the other end of the line said, "So how spontaneous are you?" To which I replied, "Just tell me what to pack and when!" So we left the next day for Chattanooga! What a blast we all had.....but I highly recommend if you are traveling with kids...get 2 adjoining rooms and at 10:00pm...if their still hyped up on being on a trip together....lock the kids in one room and the mommies in another!!!!!! (Ok, like me OR Leigh would ever do that.....but at 10 we were sure thinking it!) I also recommend, if traveling with a woman in her first trimester, set the alarm very early so you can get up and make sure they have food by...oh...say.... 5 AM!!!!! (Love you, Leigh!) We went to the Creative Discovery Museum...here's some pics