This is your brain.......
This is your brain after Christmas crafts.......
and these are your hands.........
Any questions????
*No digits were injured in the creation of this blog post. heeheehee Merry Christmas, One and All!
#2) Tonight is one of my most favorite and anticipated nights of the month, Otium Sanctum at my neighbor and friend's house. Otium Sanctum means "Holy Leisure". We meet at her house (we=women) and we discuss a book, currently Eat This Book by Eugene Peterson. After book-talk, we discuss other topics such as handmade crafts, natural remedies/cleaning, etc. One person each month brings a few of their "favorite things" and we pass them around as they tell us why they are so special to them. This is a real treat because I am fairly new to the group and it helps me to learn something intimate about each of the beautiful ladies. Well tonight is my night to share, so I though I would post a pic of my "favorites". Go ahead, ask me some ?s about the pic- I'd be glad to share!