Oh my goodness, what a lovely time we had at Nonny's for Christmas. We barely got out of our loungewear- and spent most of our time just enjoying each other. Momma cooked for an army, and was left to eat most of it herself- I'm affraid! (Although I did steal the peanut butter balls and hid them in our cooler!) Santa found the kids, even though they 1)Left home 2)Didn't have a chimney and 3) Forgot to leave cookies and Dr Pepper! I believe Tomi, Beth's fiance, didn't know what to do with us as we openned presents one by one to see everyone's expression as they saw their gift.
And check this out....the greatest of all fete accomples.............we got Momma to go "After Christmas" shopping!!!!!!!!! She must really love us! As retribution, I have to take down her Christmas tree when I go down in a couple of weeks. Honestly, she would just leave it until next year if we let her!!!!
Don't you love the picture of Andy? I can never keep him out of the kids toys and presents!!!
Oh, and I have 2 big bits of news....my dearest and precious friend, Leigh, had a baby boy on New Year's Eve----and we finally got our truck back yesterday!!! HOOORAY!!!!