It was only a matter of time until my little ones grew enough to understand the mighty power of the computer. They've been tempted along the way with Webkins, and PBS constantly flashing its website, and even by Momma playing a game or two here and there- but we've managed to mostly hold off on letting the puter-monster loose. Now the time has come when the computer is a useful beast, helping Abby with her spelling and encouraging Ben to consider the joys of a book.
Because I have spent time looking for FREE, clean, acceptable websites that my children would enjoy- I've decided that I would save YOU that time and pass my list on to you. Before I list the kids websites, I want to share MY favorite homeschooling site, It is actually for anyone who enjoys spending some extra time with their kiddos. It is absolutely chock FULL of resources such as lapbooks, printable coloring and game sheets, and unit studies. My fav that I am loving right now is the Cranberry Valentine lapbook printables. This is one of our favorite in a series written by Wende Devlin (you may have seen the Christmas special on ABC). There are all sorts of flaps, copywork, resources regarding the book, Valentine's day, and mailing ettiquette. Check it out!
Ok now, onto the list of free educational kids sites!
SpellingCity is AWESOME because you just plug in your child's spelling list for the week and it makes games/word searches/tests out of that list!!! CoolMath4Kids has a more advanced pre-algebra site for kids 13+ at
SO spend a few minutes and check them out! Let me know what you think, and if you have some that your littles love that I don't have listed- please share in the comments!
Funfetti Layer Cake
2 days ago