*more crickets*
Ok, don't panic! I know JUST what you need........
The Curiosity Files!
I had the extreme pleasure of receiving this e-book for review and now I (and my 6 year old son) am absolutely cured of all ignorance regarding red tides! And YOU too can claim a copy of your very own over at The Old Schoolhouse for a mere dollar! Yes! You read that right! $1! A buck! For an entire, all inclusive, unit study!
I have to admit, in the past I've been a little skeptical when it comes to e-books, but let me tell ya- those days are gone! This unit study was exactly what we needed to liven things up a little. Do you ever fall into a homeschooling rut? Ya know- where you've made a "plan" and your sticking to the "plan" so that you finish on time for the year....even though, and everyone knows it, you're a little bit bored? Red tides were no where near my curriculum radar, and the writer intended the Curiostiy Files to be used with students 8-13 years of age, but my 6 year old ate it up! Sure, I did a little modifying (making sure to slow down and explain bigger words like dinoflagellate)- but he hung in with me through the week and can now- without even flinching- tell you the three favorable conditions for a red tide, harmful effects on the sea life it comes in contact with, and where in the U.S. it is common for red tides to appear annually!
Everything we needed for the week was included in the $1 download- can you believe that?
Math topics, copywork (print & cursive), spelling and vocabulary (with fun word games), essay writing, lab experiments, even MUSIC & BOARD GAMES were included!!! Something particularly worth mentioning.....special needs lessons are even included! My personal favorite inclusion would have to be the lapbooking components. I didn't have to go looking for them, just print and go! But here is a word of caution....be prepared to use a bit of ink/paper in printing as there is no "printer-friendly" option and borders/colors on pages are printed.
There is a glossary and questions which covered the material in the "What Did You Learn" section that I used to quiz my son. There are also "Experiment Records" for recording data which I thought was ingenious! Did I mention the illustrations? Delightful color pictures that certainly helped to captivate Ben and keep him interested.
Please know, also, that there is a section entitled "In the Beginning" which helps you pull all of this meaty material back to the focus of God's word. There are many scripture references and questions for you to cover with your children.
The Curiosity Files are available in 11 different titles...
ranging from Cicada Killing Wasps to Platypus (which, by the way, will be our next attempt as the boy is addicted to all things platypi!). They range in price from $1-$6.95, or you may to choose to buy them in a bundle of nine for $46 ($49 on CD). If you've never been over to the Old Schoolhouse, may I suggest a visit? Their store is packed full of awesome e-book studies and my FAVORITE- the Schoolhouse Planner- not to mention great insight, advice, and tools for homeschoolers.