I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist is an apologetics book written by Norman Geisler and Frank Turek. Based on the premise that Christianity is more reasonable and rational than unbelief, these gentlemen very articulately defend the christian's faith in God. Here's a view of the Table of Contents:
With a companion curriculum designed to teach the book's main points, I found this pair to be a great resource for those wanting to hone their skills in the art of providing a defense for their faith.
You may get tired of hearing this from me, but guess who brings you this fabulous curriculum for high schoolers and adults alike.............yep, it's Apologia! This spiral bound curriculum includes questions, writing assignments, and research projects. There are even tests available on the Apologia website for book owners. I think one of my favorite things in the curriculum is the biographies. Einstein, Darwin, Newton, and many, many others are expounded upon in an attempt to exert their relevance in the grand scope of skepticism.
The I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist book is available at Apologia, though it is currently on back order (due to soon be filled) for $16.00. The curriculum is available for $33.00. I'd like to add here that I have mentioned my reading this book to a few friends including the director of Campus Crusade for Christ at UAB here in Birmingham. Upon seeing the book in my hand, he stated that it was one of his favorite apologetics books- which spoke very well of the book to me! If you're looking to brush up on your skills in speaking with skeptics on the topic of your faith, I highly recommend these two resources!
If you have already read I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, please sound in and let us know what you thought. If you haven't and you'd like to hear what the Review Crew thought-
Disclaimer: I was given a copy of both the book I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist and it's companion curriculum in exchange for an honest and objective review thru The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew.