I LOVE homeschooling curriculum. I am very passionate about helping homeschoolers (especially those new to homeschooling) sort through the piles and piles or resources out there to find the ones best matched to them and their children. Thos is why I review for The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew. But can I just say, it's much more fun to clean someone ELSE'S house than it is your own!
Are ya feelin' me?
It's so much easier for me to sit down with a momma of a 5 year old and say "Tell me about your little one and what kind of a person you are and I'll tell you what's out there (that I know about!) that might be a good match or what DEFINITELY won't!" than it is for me to make a big transition with my own kiddos.
For the past six years------yep, homeschooling for 6 years now------- I have been piecing my curriculum together based on what I thought the kids would love and I would enjoy teaching them. However, the time has come for Abby to shift up to middle school, and I feel the Lord telling me that we need a little more discipline and structure. For the first time in our homeschooling journey, I am praying about starting an all inclusive curriculum.
To some of you, this may not seem like a big deal- but to me it feels like a seismic shift in the cosmos! I have been researching and comparing and asking and reading and so far I have it down to 2 different programs. Here's my requirements:
1) Must have complete lesson plans which require minimal prep work
2) Must be able to use our own math (Teaching Textbooks)
3) Must be able to choose our own science (so that I can continue teaching at co-op)
4) Our level must start with exploration/settlement of the USA
5) Must be biblically based, of course
6) Must be literature rich in a Charlotte Mason-ish form
So the 2 I am looking at would be My Father's World and Sonlight. I wonder if you'd be so kind as to chime in on this one for me? Thoughts? Experiences? I'd love to hear!
Funfetti Layer Cake
2 days ago