This is my Love. He's been away from home for a few days helping his father get back and forth to an eye surgery in South Carolina. My Love left his parents' house this morning at 5 o'clock so that he could make it home in time to go with me to Ben's 5 year old check-up. Ya know, the one with four shots? Most everyone who knows me knows that I am a complete and total needle-phobe. I try to be a good mommy, but when it comes to vaccinations, I'd just as soon pass them up entirely. My Love says it's my civic duty to vaccinate my children, so I do it. My Love came home so that I would not have to do it alone. I made him a cup of English Breakfast and gave him my super-duper-special-comfy-cozy-Christmas-present-from-Momma blankie and I pray he knows how much I love and appreciate him.
P.S. Ya know those lovely paperwhites I posted last week? Who knew they smell like dog urine? Who knew? 'Fess up! I spent three days cleaning and disinfecting my diningroom floors because I was SURE the doggies had an accident somewhere- turns out it was my stinky pretty flowers! You guys should give a sister a warning!
Thank you Andy! We appreciate your help!!
They do????? I had no idea they were smelly! I'll consider this my warning from you! I have always wanted to put those in the house! Well oh heck no! hehehehe
Oh yea, Paperwhites are way stinky! Beautiful to look at through a window though!
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