At some point, I must plan for the next school year! I'm a little thrown off this year because I am purchasing my curriculum so late......Everything is a little behind. But the amazing thing is that I am finding comfort, rather than anxiety, in my lack of control
All I'm going to say about the house is hasn't been started yet.
Back to school...
I am schooling both children this year and I am absolutely thrilled. I have thought and planned and read and I think I've figured out the curriculum and the books- but I havent put it all to paper yet. I was wondering, what do you do? Edu-Track? Homeschool Tracker? A journal? I'm thinking of the Old Schoolhouse's Primary Planner to help me get a bit more organized. So here's what I'm thinking of covering and I'll let you tell me what you think and help me fill in the holes:
Abby 4th grade
Tapestry of Grace
Teaching Textbooks
Exploring Creation through Human Anatomy
Simply Grammar
? Spelling
Nature study
Ben 1st grade
Nature study
Exploring Creation through Human Anatomy
Phonics Museum
? Math
Tapestry of Grace
So what do you think? Any suggestions for Math or Spelling? We'll be attending a co-op one day a week that will cover geography/maritime geography, our science, and art. (The kids will still take art once a week with Belinda Youngblood because she is AWESOME and we love her!) I love planning for a new year- seems there is nothing quite so exciting and full of possibilities. So share with me! What are you planning for the upcoming year? I can't wait to hear!
Almond Puff Pastry
5 hours ago