At some point, I must plan for the next school year! I'm a little thrown off this year because I am purchasing my curriculum so late......Everything is a little behind. But the amazing thing is that I am finding comfort, rather than anxiety, in my lack of control
All I'm going to say about the house is hasn't been started yet.
Back to school...
I am schooling both children this year and I am absolutely thrilled. I have thought and planned and read and I think I've figured out the curriculum and the books- but I havent put it all to paper yet. I was wondering, what do you do? Edu-Track? Homeschool Tracker? A journal? I'm thinking of the Old Schoolhouse's Primary Planner to help me get a bit more organized. So here's what I'm thinking of covering and I'll let you tell me what you think and help me fill in the holes:
Abby 4th grade
Tapestry of Grace
Teaching Textbooks
Exploring Creation through Human Anatomy
Simply Grammar
? Spelling
Nature study
Ben 1st grade
Nature study
Exploring Creation through Human Anatomy
Phonics Museum
? Math
Tapestry of Grace
So what do you think? Any suggestions for Math or Spelling? We'll be attending a co-op one day a week that will cover geography/maritime geography, our science, and art. (The kids will still take art once a week with Belinda Youngblood because she is AWESOME and we love her!) I love planning for a new year- seems there is nothing quite so exciting and full of possibilities. So share with me! What are you planning for the upcoming year? I can't wait to hear!
Chile Relleno Casserole
3 days ago
I love Math-U-see. :) I'm horrible at math and it has been great. Google it, they have examples.
Not sure on spelling although this book is one that I think I'll purchase for older years...
Thank you for all your ideas!
Love you much!!
Marla, I love EIW's phonetic zoo for spelling. its 3rd-6th grade. Britton's been doing it for the past year. It super simple. About 15 min a day and does not require me at all. Let me know if you have more questions and I can get you some websites. Im pretty sure you could look through it at the CHEF conf. if you are going. EIW usually has a booth at the convention.
Hooray for fall planning! I love the smell of new books. And old books. And in between books :).
I've been using a planner that I really like called "The Well Planned Day." We enjoy Spelling Workout and have used it exclusively with each of the children. It's easy to use and very thorough. I'm loving Yesterday's Classics, too -- a great resource for nature and history readers. Very Charlotte Mason :). And I have to say I'm a die-hard Saxon Math mom :). Happy planning!
I dont have many suggestions, but I love yours! Thanks for listing them. Stopping by from the TOS crew! Hope to get to know you this year!
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