Just so y'all know, I'm still quite upset about the lost blog post! Sucked into the black hole of webdom.......
But, I have had a Pepsi Throwback and a Hershey bar....and I think I may be able to recompose now.
(How's that for drama?)
1. PINTEREST Oh holy unhealthy addiction, Batman! This is a great community for finding ideas, inspiration, even recipes! Try it- you'll LOVE it! This is my newest project- for the new schoolroom/Ab's bedroom....
2. You have GOT to try Annie's Fruit Salsa and Cinnamon Chips! Oh my soul....YUMM-O!!!! HINT: If you don't have time to make the chips, try Stacy's Cinnamon Pita Chips.
3. Heels! Who knew?? I haven't worn heels in 16 years....since someone near and dear to me- on our way out the door on a date- said "Wow, you're not too graceful in those, are ya?" (He's ALWAYS known JUST what to say! Melts my heart... anywho..) But recently some other people near and dear to my heart- again, you know who you are- called me "dowdy" and the next thing I know we're shopping, I'm trying on heels, and they're in the floorboard of the car on the way home with me! (And I've bought 3 more pairs since then!!) Now, lest you worry that I've sunk into an abyss of stereo-typical female hoarder shopping.....remember that tree that fell through the house?? It's resting place was, of all places, my closet and my schoolroom! SO! Wanna see some picks????
4. Menu planning. Do you menu plan? With all of the turbulence of our lives lately, we had fallen into some pretty unhealthy and muy expensioso eating habits! Well I decided I had enough (which tells you it must have gotten pretty bad because I LOVE to eat out!) and me and the kiddos sat down and planned a menu for the next week and are really enjoying cooking and eating at home! Sigh....baby steps....getting back to normal one day at a time. Would you like some free pintables to help you plan your menu? Try here at Organized Home. They have some good info to share!
Right now, and most always, I'm really loving my Andy. We've had a bit of a rough year. Well, that's an understatement. We've had the second most horrible year ever. I have never, save the year my daddy got sick, experienced 12 months that have been cram packed with such debilitating happenings! But here we are, celebrating our 15th anniversary this month- together. And I love him so.
OK, so I only gave you five, but I'll come back and give you five more soon! The house still has no roof or AC and getting on the computer is a true act of love! Oh, I do have a piece of good news...a review coming soon on a book! Why? Because...
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