ALEKS stands for Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces. You won't believe the content of ALEKS- from Basic Math through Pre-calculus and Trig to college prep and Chemistry! This math program is fabulous because not only does it reassess your student as they progress, but it also shows them how they're doing! A pie graph is used to illustrate how they are moving along...for example...
This is appealing to me because I am visual and like to see how things are in relation to the big picture. Now, keep in mind that my children are elementary aged so we are only working through the Quicktables in an effort to memorize our math facts. This website offers so much more that we are just not ready to explore yet!
Quicktables is a fun and challenging way to practice and assess where we are with out multiplication facts (also offered in addition, subtraction, and division). Here is a sample of a QT game...
and here are examples of how we are able to see how each child is doing. The first picture is what the child sees at the end of their challenge. (Abby loves to yell at me to come look and see how her colored blocks have moved or changed!) The bottom picture is how her progress shows up on my log-in page. Keep in mind, to see the greatest amount of progress in math skills, that the folks over at ALEKS encourage 2-3 hours of ALEKS activity a week for students in 3rd grade and up .
One of the most awesome features, in my humble opinion, of ALEKS is that you can actually look up your state's standards and see how ALEKS addresses them individually based on the math course you have chosen! There are so many features on the ALEKS site that you might be a bit overwhelmed at first. May I suggest going to the training center and checking out the short video that helps you begin to implement ALEKS in your home? They provide great support and their site is chock full of ways to help your student be successful with the ALEKS program. Here is a free trial offer that you might be interested in.
Fees for ALEKS:
A subscription to ALEKS is
$19.95 per student, per month, or
only $99.95 every 6 months, or
only $179.95 every 12 months.
ALEKS offers a Family Discount for multiple children in the same home.
Disclaimer: A free trial membership was given to my family in exchange for a fair and objective review.
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