My daughter is amazing. No, I'm not talking about the "She's really great at art and is a sweet soul" kind of amazing. I'm talking "Makes me want to be a better person and I have a deep admiration for her" kind of amazing!
Abby's stomach started hurting at tennis last Monday. Long story short- lots of vommiting and can't get out of the loft bed Tuesday led to a trip to Children's ER. I took Abby alone so Andy could head to work to tie up some ends. Abby hada very elevated White Blood Cell count and a marker for inflamation was high also.
My phone literally died from pinging...for texts, for emails, for calls, for FB notifications.
I sat by Abby's bed. I began reading her the most beautiful book called The Glorious Impossible.
This has got to be the most wonderful book I have ever seen. We actually checked it out to look at the frescoes by Giotto pictured inside- but it tells the story of Christ in the most heartfelt manner- calling him The Glorious Impossible.
We came to a picture of angels and that reminded me of a scripture that my brother in Christ, Erle, had shared with us in our church community group. In Daniel 9, Daniel prays and fasts for 21 days for the people and on the 21st day Gabriel reaches Daniel and tells him (v.20-23) that God dispatched him to help Daniel at his FIRST supplication.
I showed Abby ALL of those texts, emails, phone messages and FaceBook posts.
"Abby, what if God dispatched an angel to help you at the request of everyone of these people's prayers????!!!!!!"
"WOW MOMMA!!! It could be a nurse, or a doctor, or even Daddy coming to help me!"
"Abby they could be all around you and you can't even see them!"
Suddenly a great peace came over both of us. Abby never cried. Abby never showed fear. Abby never objected to taking the most horrible tasting medicine ever and I even caught her showing a phlebotomist a good vein in her upper arm to draw blood from at 11 o'clock at night.
Abby has a deep faith. She believes that God is real and that He loves her. She believes that He will take care of her- and that He knows what's best for her. We may struggle with daily aspects of living a christian life as a 10 year old (and 37 year old)- but her faith makes her a very amazing person.
I love that girl! She IS truly amazing and I'm proud to be her Aunt. :-)
Your daughter may be amazing, but where do you think she takes her example from? Your blog post could have been about "the horrible, terrifying emergency nerves are shot...what a horrifying experience....our lives were upside down." Instead, you write about praying with your child...reassuring her with a beautiful story on her level...and keeping her involved with those who were reaching out. I'd say she can't help but be the way she is with that example. I'm sure she will take your example and grow with it, applying it to new situations as she grows, adding her own personality and spirit. Thank you for sharing your story.
Goosebumps. Love this. (And definitely adding the book to our library list!)
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