the battered stop blogging.
It has been a rough five months. I did not get to go to college. The admissions office dilly-dallied so badly that I couldn't get admitted in time to register for fall classes.....thus began the downward spiral.
I know you don't care to hear all of my unpleasant junk, so I will spare you. But I will say that, as always, God has been good and taught me a very valuable lesson. Here it is......
Only He can satisfy the desires of my heart. HE has a plan for my life- and I may think that I can order things the way I want but the truth is that if it's not in His plan for me, it's not going to happen.
It took a lot of prayer and submission and quiet- but I think I'm coming back around to myself again. There are still a few issues that God is working through. But little by little I think I'm coming back.
Also, I became very ill the week before Operation Christmas Child National Collection Week. For those of you who know me, this was the worst possible thing that could hit me. Y'all- I'm serious.....I WENT to the doctor and ASKED
for a shot!!!! No good. 2 rounds of antibiotics and five weeks later- I'm about 80% and very happy!
So during this nasty bout with gosh only knows what, God brought in the most amazing harvest of shoebox gifts!
That's 5,227 MORE than last year! Praise God!! And the even better news is that OCC is seeing similar numbers all over the country! I'm just astounded! Thank you to all of you who packed shoeboxes this year!!!
Ok, now you're all caught up. I will hopefully be back to posting. I wandered over here because I saw someone had posted a comment that needed published. I started clicking around and realized how much I missed Sincerely Home. She's so therapeutic and good for my soul. See you again soon.
Funfetti Layer Cake
2 days ago